An Outlaw for Christmas: Back Down Devil MC Bad Boy Romance Page 4
Diesel looked over his shoulder. “Getting a shower. I have to get undressed.”
“Right here?”
“It’s my room,” he said.
He lifted his coffee mug and turned, again without a care in the world.
My mouth fell open now that I got to see another look at his dick. From the side I could see that he was thicker than what the view from the front showed me. Diesel walked to the bathroom, his dick bouncing with ease, hanging there free and knowing how big and perfect it was.
He shut the door and I stared at the door until I heard the shower turn on.
I groaned and squeezed my legs tight together.
I shut my eyes, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do right then.
I had no business being in the room or the clubhouse. My father insisted that I get protection. But what proof did I have that I was in any real danger. Whatever the circumstances - whether I told the truth or not - it was pretty clear that someone wanted to go after my father. Not me.
I could just leave.
Or just stay… he’s in the shower. Get a little relief…
I bit my lip and slid my right hand under the covers. I went right for between my legs, easing my hand into my panties. My skin was soft and bare. I always kept composure down there for comfort and at the slim chance something wild happened.
The fingertip of my middle finger touched the ultra-sensitive hood of my clit. With just the slightest curl of my finger I felt a wave of pleasure rock through me. I was always extra ready in the morning. I came easier in the morning.
I let out a breath and slid my finger down more.
My skin was wet. Hell, I was soaked.
I swallowed hard, my heart racing.
I knew I only had a minute or so. I needed to make this count.
I thought about Diesel walking around the room, his big d…
My phone vibrated.
I turned my head and saw a number I didn’t recognize.
Just ignore it, Tia. Finish yourself first.
I reached for the phone with my left hand.
That was a dumb move by me.
I opened the text message.
Hey bitch. Where you staying at now? Too bad you weren’t in the bedroom. You should have burned with the apartment. I’m coming for you. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can protect you. Mark my words. Bitch.
My body ran wildly cold.
I hurried to text back but an error came through saying there was no such number.
I looked around the room.
Maybe I was in more danger that I thought.
My eyes stopped at the bathroom door.
Diesel was my only real hope. An outlaw with a big dick and a bigger attitude.
I threw the covers off and hurried to get dressed.
I couldn’t let him see me like this anymore for one day. I needed to be dressed and ready. And when he got out of bathroom I would go in to brush my teeth or something. Just so I wouldn’t have to see his dick again.
I needed him to protect me. No matter what.
And I couldn’t let him see that text message either…
It wasn’t even two in the afternoon and I was in a bad mood. I twisted off the cap on a fresh beer and drank. Sleeping on the floor of my room was pissing me off. Dealing with Tia was pissing me off too. She was short, snappy, and gave me nothing. No words, no pussy, nada.
Worse yet, I had Prez and VP up my ass, wanting to know who was after Tia and her old man. I went from a prospect to a fucking private investigator. All I wanted to do was be a goddamn outlaw.
“You look stressed,” Cash said, putting a foot up on the picnic table. He leaned forward and peeled the sunglasses off his face, showing a nice shiner.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“Big tits,” Cash said. “Big, fake tits. Jesus Christ, brother, you missed a good one last night.”
I gritted my teeth. I had yet to properly celebrate my patched in status by running through as much pussy as my dick and balls could handle. I was too caught up in keeping Tia safe, sound, and trying to get her to fucking talk.
“Big, fake tits,” I said. “Lucky you.”
“Yeah, I guess. I had her sitting on me, right? And she was fucking riding me. I mean… not to be an asshole or anything, but she was a nice and thick woman. I had plenty to hold onto. And she was fucking grinding at me. Her tits started to smack my face. And I mean…”
Cash smiled and pointed to his eye.
“I can see that.”
“What’s up with you? You’re the big D, right? How can you be worried about pussy?”
“The pussy I want I can’t have,” I said. “Don’t ask.”
“Ah, fucking right,” Cash said. “You got that pretty little thing.” Cash slapped my shoulder. “But since you’re patched in… you get your shot.”
“My shot?”
“Come here. Follow me. We’ll get some of that pent up shit out of you.”
I drank more beer and walked with Cash.
Tia knew her limits in and out of the clubhouse. I couldn’t be a goddamn full-time babysitter for her. She knew how to get in and out of the clubhouse. No leaving the lot without me. And if anyone bothered her, she could send me a text and I’d be there to beat the shit out of whoever it was.
We walked along the side of the clubhouse toward one of the back garage areas. I saw Austin, Xavier, and Cade as they were racing toward the back of the garage.
“You know what’s back here,” Cash said.
“The ring,” I said.
“Fucking right, brother.”
We had a ring set up. Like an actual boxing ring. It wasn’t official or anything, but it did the trick. We had a decent gym area back there too. Plenty of equipment to tear your body up on, which was where I spent a lot of fucking time. When the table guys were meeting up, I was in the gym. When the former President of the club almost ran the charter into the ground, I was in the gym. It was all I did to build my muscles and get ready for the chance to fully patch in and kick some ass.
But the ring came with responsibility. It was where patched in guys usually beat the hell out of prospects. I had taken a few hard beatings myself in that ring. I also dealt out more than a few surprising fights. They were called before I could be declared the victor, but everyone knew I could handle myself.
When we got to the ring, Hudson was in there finishing up on a prospect. The prospect - a kid named Will - was on his knees, reaching up, clawing at Hudson’s bare body.
“Holy shit,” Cash said. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “Finish it off, brother!”
Hudson showed his teeth and brought back a fist. He threw it forward and knocked Will into last week. The prospect hit the mat and the fight was over. Hudson climbed out of the ring and grabbed a beer off a table and kept walking.
“Who’s up next?” I asked.
Cash grabbed at my leather cut. “You are, brother. Get in that ring and get ready to fight.”
“Who the hell am I fighting?”
“How about Dan?”
“The prospect?”
“Fuck yeah,” Cash said. “You’re patched in now. You fight the prospects.”
“Shit,” I said. “That’s… I was close with all of those guys.”
“Let me tell you something,” Cash said. “Dan made it very clear what he’d do to Tia.”
“Huh?” I asked.
I felt anger in my veins.
“Look at your face,” Cash said. “You’re digging on her.”
“What did Dan say about her?” I asked.
Cash grinned. “He said that if he were you… he’d hold that little cunt down and fuck her until she couldn’t scream or confess what happened.”
My eyes went wide. “Are you fucking with me?”
“Not a chance,” Cash said. “You know, tough talk.”
I turned
my head and I saw Dan climbing into the ring. He looked right at me. I believed Cash. Dan was a piece of shit. He would say or do anything just to appear to fit in. But when the gun was against his head, he’d piss himself and cry.
So that’s what I wanted to make him do.
I took off my leather cut and threw it to Cash. I took my shirt off and dropped it on a table. I went right to the ring and got inside. I stared down Dan with a fire burning in me that I hadn’t felt in a long time.
“What’s your fucking problem?” Dan asked.
“Hey, gather around,” Cash called out. “We’ve got our freshly patched in member ready to fight. He’s primed. His cock hasn’t been touched in days.”
“Trust me, I’m not here to suck his dick,” Dan said. “I’m here to kick his-”
I was done waiting.
I threw a punch and rocked Dan’s chin.
He flew back into the corner, grabbing at his jaw.
Nobody fucked with Tia… in person or behind her back.
Better yet - why the fuck did I care so much?
I opened the door to the clubhouse, needing some air and sun. I stepped outside and looked up. The sun was warm. Too warm for it to be considered the Christmas season. Then again, I didn’t know any better. Going to the beach on Christmas Eve was once a tradition. One year our central air broke on Christmas Day. We had a few guys there working while my mother cooked. My mother insisted the guys sit and eat with us.
What a Christmas.
She really knew how to make each one special.
I took a few steps and then heard cheering.
I followed the sound around the side of the clubhouse where it grew louder and louder. Before I knew it, I was actually jogging, wanting to see what the commotion was all about.
What it was… a fight.
Two guys in a ring, throwing punches. Bare knuckles, too.
As I got even closer I realized it was Diesel in the ring fighting. He was shirtless, throwing right’s and left’s, his body twisting, muscles pulling and glistening with sweat. He and some guy were going blow for blow.
Diesel threw a left to the guy’s face and the guy threw a left right back.
I kept walking toward the ring. When I got too close, a hand grabbed me and pulled me back.
It was Cash.
“Easy now,” he said. “Don’t get in his way. He has to win this one. It’s his first as a fully patched in member.”
“What is this?” I asked.
“A fight, beautiful,” Cash said.
“I know that. But… why?”
“It’s what we do,” Cash said. “Just watch. He’s doing this for you.”
“Nothing. I said nothing.”
I looked at the ring.
The guy fighting Diesel starting throwing serious punches. Diesel put his hands up to protect his face, taking the punches on the ribs. I loved watching the way his body moved. The sweat pouring off him. The top of his blue jeans a darker blue from the sweat running down. He didn’t wear anything under the jeans so when they tugged down, it was all skin and muscle.
Diesel walked backward all the ropes.
The guy was getting him pretty good.
Diesel then turned and stepped away. He shoved the guy, throwing him into the corner.
“Come on,” Diesel growled. “Do it again.”
The guy went after Diesel, but Diesel was well prepared and equipped. One right shot to the face and the guy stumbled back. His nose busted open. Diesel went after him again. Now it was Diesel’s turn, hit after hit, finally taking the guy to the mat. The guy grabbed for the ropes and stuck his head out.
All the guys around let out a collective BOO! I assumed that meant it was a cheap move to take a breath.
“Get him, D!” someone shouted. “Don’t let that fucker get up.”
“It’s okay,” Diesel said. “He gets up one more time and that’s it.”
Diesel swiveled his head and that’s when he saw me. He froze, just staring at me. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Diesel made it very clear that I could leave the clubhouse but I could not leave the lot. At least I couldn’t leave the lot unless I was with him.
Cash slipped an arm around my shoulder. He then called out, “Don’t worry, brother, I’m taking good care of her for you.”
I shook Cash’s advance away and saw the look on Diesel’s face.
He was really pissed.
He turned to face his opponent. The guy was almost back to his feet but Diesel wasn’t giving him a chance to fight again. Diesel punched the guy right in the face, sending him back down to his ass, actually sitting on the bottom rope.
“Stupid motherfucker,” Diesel growled.
He brought back a heavy fist. I saw the way his back flexed tight and rippled with muscle. It made me shiver again, just because of how powerfully built he was.
I stepped to the left, wanting to see Diesel hit the guy. I couldn’t believe myself.
Diesel’s huge fist connected with the guy’s face and he went through the ropes and out of sight. That got a huge celebration from everyone outside the ring. They rushed the ring, including Cash, to get to Diesel.
“Look what you fucking did!” Cash yelled, grabbing Diesel’s shoulder.
I saw a flicker of a smile on Diesel’s face but then he shook Cash away when he saw me again. He walked to the ropes and climbed out of the ring and jumped down.
I was face to face with the sweaty outlaw. Staring up at him.
I’d never seen a man look so good so dirty before.
“You’re bleeding,” I said.
Diesel licked a small cut on the left side of his mouth. “You should see the other guy.”
“Oh, I did.”
“What the hell are you doing out here?”
“I’m not a prisoner,” I said. “It’s nice to see the sun and breathe fresh air.”
Diesel closed in on me. I could smell the scent of sweat pouring off him.
He put a hand to my waist. “Let’s get one thing straight, darling. You are a prisoner. My prisoner. I’m in control of everything.”
“I’m obeying your rules, warden,” I said. “I’m allowed out here. I didn’t leave the lot.”
“I want you either inside in my room or outside by my side. So now, darling, I’m going to punish you.”
“Punish me?”
“I can’t take my eyes off you for a second. And right now I am a sweaty mess. I need a shower.” Diesel leaned down, his lips and scruff on his face grazing my skin. “You’re going to watch me shower.”
He wasn’t lying.
Diesel grabbed me by the waist and propped me up on the bathroom sink. The water was already running, the steam and heat increasing in the bathroom.
“There,” he said. “Don’t fucking move.”
I was in complete shock.
Diesel stepped away and opened his jeans. He turned around. “Don’t worry, I won’t wave my dick in your face. Temptation can only last for so long.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Diesel dropped his jeans.
The thing was… as nice as his dick was to look at, so was his ass. A perfectly chiseled ass. An ass that I couldn’t help but want to touch.
“You and I both know it,” he said. “With temptation you go fucking insane. Then you give in. And once you give in, everything gets fucking messy.”
“You don’t seem like the type to avoid temptation, insanity, or messes.”
Diesel looked back with a grin. “See? We’re getting to know each other. Just like I know you’re going stare at the shower door and try to look at my cock.”
He opened the shower door and got inside. It clicked shut behind him and the frosted glass left a distorted image of the big and sexy man.
I started to sweat from the steam. And from watching Diesel as he washed himself.
“So I’m pretty free after this,” he called out
from the shower. “Prez wants me to keep low with you for a little bit longer. You hear from your old man yet?”
“Not a word,” I said. “He usually doesn’t call me. I’m more of a trophy to him. More than ever after my mother…”
I couldn’t finish the sentence.
“Yeah, I get it,” Diesel said.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Ask away.”
The frosted figure reached up and roughed up his hair. Even through the glass I could see the shape of his dick. Just hanging there. Like he was growing a spare leg. I licked my lips. Diesel brought his left hand down and grabbed his dick. He stroked himself, pulling hard, letting go. I caught myself grabbing the counter, feeling a warm sensation between my legs.
“You there, darling?” he called out.
“Yeah. I, uh, nothing.”
The water turned off.
Diesel opened the door and poked his head out. I watched each and every droplet of water drip from his perfect chin.
“Hey, darling, do me a solid. Grab me a towel. Or else I’m going to have walk out there naked.”
I slid off the sink and grabbed a towel. I walked it to him.
“Thanks,” he said.
“No problem.”
“Sure you don’t want get in here with me?” he asked. “Best part of a shower is that as you scream it doesn’t go anywhere. The water drowns it out. The room absorbs it.”
It was tempting. I was on the brink of insanity, just like Diesel said would happen.
“So tell me what you want, darling,” Diesel said.
I said the first thing that came to mind.
“Pizza,” Diesel said. “You got it, darling. Anything you want.”
Diesel shut the shower door.
I stood there and watched him dry himself.
I had no idea where that came from.
But suddenly I felt like I was going on a date with him.
Normally when I went to a bar it was with the intention of drinking, fighting, and fucking. But I held the door open and ushered Tia into the bar, shaking my damn head. Taking her out for fucking pizza. That’s what she wanted though. My goal was to kill off time and keep this thing moving along until Carl came back to town. Then she’d be whisked away and I could get back to my outlaw life. So many fucking relievers in the clubhouse waiting for me. I was going to need a week to just run through all the pussy I could get. Chances were I’d probably think of Tia most of the time as I pounded all that pussy.