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An Outlaw for Christmas: Back Down Devil MC Bad Boy Romance Page 11
An Outlaw for Christmas: Back Down Devil MC Bad Boy Romance Read online
Page 11
I lowered my head, feeling a little defeated.
Diesel put a finger to my chin and made me look at him again. “Hey. It’s been a long fucking day and night. Just try to let all that shit go for a minute. Anything that’s bothering you.”
I nodded.
He inched closer to me, still holding my hand.
The second our lips touched, my heart skipped a beat. Diesel parted his lips, his tongue flicking against mine. I opened my mouth then.
The kiss had implications.
I had guilt running through my veins.
I put my hands to his chest, feeling his muscle through his t-shirt. It didn’t seem logically fair that a man could be made like Diesel. His name somehow matched his size, demeanor, everything.
I broke the kiss and gently touched his chin. “I think I need to get to bed.”
“Right,” he whispered. “You take the bed and I’ll crash here on the couch.”
“No,” I said. “Diesel…”
“A couch is better than a floor,” he said. “And I’ll keep an eye on the fire.”
“I told you you’re sweet,” I whispered with a grin.
“Easy with that shit,” Diesel said. “I could get a nasty reputation.”
“Trust me, you already have one.”
Diesel gently kissed me. “Get some sleep, darling. We’ll figure out more of this shit tomorrow.”
I got into the bedroom and climbed into the bed alone. I left the door slightly open, just in case. It didn’t shock me that my father was in London as much as it hurt me. But I was used to getting hurt. That’s why I kept things guarded. I figured it was only a matter of time until Diesel did the same.
Until then, I’d take any of the pleasure he was willing to give.
I couldn’t fucking sleep.
I sat on the coffee table, staring at the fire. I was trying to piece things together and it wasn’t adding up. Tia’s father had helped the MC with some stuff in the past. So it shouldn’t be shocking that he turned out to be some kind of crooked businessman. Her mother passed away of cancer. Someone had attacked Tia’s apartment.
The question was… how did it all connect together?
My phone rang a few minutes later and it was Prez checking in.
“We’re up here. Safe and sound.”
“Good. How’s the weather?”
“Damn cold,” I said.
“Got to love it, right? From the beach to the mountains, brother.”
“Yeah, right. I’m not here on a scenery tour though, Prez.”
“Where is Tia right now?”
“Sleeping,” I said.
“Prez, what’s going on here?”
“Her father had helped the MC get set up in town,” Prez said. “He and the club had worked together to keep big business out. He has ties to bigger connections through Nevada, Chicago, and New York. He loves his daughter though.”
“He’s got a fucked up way of showing it,” I said.
“Not our job to worry about it, D. Just keep her ass safe and sound. When I hear from him again, you’ll know. Worst case, we secure transport for her to get to London.”
“It’s an option. Then Carl has his daughter and they can do whatever needs to be done until whatever storm passes over. I need you to figure out that storm.”
“I’m not a weatherman,” I said.
Prez chuckled. “Have a good night, D.”
The call went dead.
I felt even more empty.
Tia flying all the way to London? Shit, I hated the thought of her leaving the clubhouse. But leaving the goddamn country?
I stood up.
On the mantle was some kind of fancy plate. In the center was a picture of a mother and father holding hands with their two kids. They were in the snow with a snowman behind them. A little cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney.
I threw a fist forward, shattering the plate.
Fuck me, it was going to hurt to lose Tia.
I looked over my shoulder.
That’s when I made a big decision.
I wasn’t going to lose her… I was going to make her mine.
I became a man possessed. I pulled the bedroom door shut after checking on Tia. I then set my sights to another door. It was a large storage closet. Breaking that plate was stupid but it gave me an idea. If someone was willing to keep a stupid knickknack plate like that…
I opened the closet door and saw it was filled with shit.
But just searching with my eyes gave me exactly what I wanted to find.
Cardboard boxes that were beat up, taped a hundred times over, stacked tall, ready to fall. They all the same thing written on the sides.
That was the jackpot.
I fought through the mess and got all four boxes out of the closet. There was a small window and when I looked out it was complete darkness, but I knew what was out there.
Trees. Lots of fucking trees.
Ten minutes later I had my leather cut on the kitchen table, a hoodie on, and a big flashlight. I left the cabin, found a saw in a small tool compartment that was built into the side of the cabin, and I went on the hunt for a fucking Christmas tree.
I balanced the flashlight on the ground and went for the first tree I could find. I dropped down and started to hack away at the tree. Within seconds I was covered in needles, sap, and snow.
But I couldn’t stop.
I thought about my childhood. I thought about Tia’s childhood.
I gritted my teeth and chopped the fucking tree down in no time.
I dragged it into the kitchen and stood there staring at it.
I took off my hoodie and wiped the sweat off my brow. I went to the living room and found the spot for it. I got some towels and put them down on the floor. I then carried the goddamn tree and put it in the tree stand that was in one of the boxes. I still didn’t get the concept of it. A fucking tree.
I shook the tree and it was still a little damp. Not too bad though. I tried to get a tree that was mixed within others and protected.
I grabbed the first strand of lights and decided to get to work.
I spent the next two hours covering the damn thing in lights and ornaments.
The final piece was a big star that nestled perfectly to the top branch of the tree.
I was filthy by the time I was done. I was sweating from the work and from the fire.
Then came the moment of truth.
Plugging the fucking thing in.
Probably not the smartest move since there was still moisture on the tree, but I had to see this for myself. Try to understand what it meant to Tia.
On my hands and knees, I plugged in a power strip and started to plug in the strands of lights. I kept the power strip off though, wanting to give myself the full effect of all the lights lit up.
That’s when I realized this was probably the nicest thing I’d ever done for a woman.
The sweetest thing.
The most romantic thing.
That took me back a little bit, wondering just what I was doing and how I was feeling.
When I was ready, I clicked the button on the power strip and there was light all around me.
I climbed out from under the tree and stood up.
It looked… like a tree with lights.
Different color lights. A strand of all white lights. The star bright on top.
I nodded.
Yeah, it looked nice. Especially next to the fireplace.
It worked.
Hell, if anything, maybe it would make Tia feel a little more at ease.
Maybe she’d finally talk to me. Tell me everything that was going on with her father. All those pieces of the puzzle that were still missing.
“Fuck,” I growled.
I felt like I was buying her attention and love.
That was the w
ord that did it for me. I hurried to shut the lights off on the tree. I threw a few more logs on the fire to keep it burning.
I hit the couch and shut my eyes.
Sleep eventually took me.
But I had this nagging feeling that whatever was going to happen with me and Tia… it wasn’t going to be easy.
It wasn’t as good as waking up next to him in bed, but it came pretty close to it.
Diesel stood at the door, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Nothing else. Call me crazy but the first thing I looked at was his feet. Seeing his big, bare feet just did something for me.
“Hey,” I said, sitting up in bed.
“Sorry to bother you. I want to show you something.”
“Good or bad?”
“That’s up to you.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Trust me, darling. I’ve got breakfast cooked too. We can try to make the best of all of this, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” I said.
I threw the covers off me. I was in PJ’s, with a bra on. Sleeping in a bra is not always a great thing. But I didn’t need to tempt anything worse than it already was. We had crossed a line and we couldn’t go anymore.
I followed Diesel down the stairs and stopped halfway when I saw what he had done.
He put up a Christmas tree for me.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m shocked,” I said. “You put up a tree?”
“Last night, yeah. Let me turn on the lights.”
Diesel hurried across the living room. This big, bad outlaw rushing to turn on the lights to a Christmas tree. I swore that I had fallen into a really deep sleep and was dreaming the entire thing.
With the flick of a switch the tree was lit up.
I hurried to cover my mouth.
My eyes filled with tears.
“It’s beautiful,” I said. “How… why…”
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I slowly walked down the rest of the steps and toward the tree.
“Last night,” he said. “I found a few boxes of Christmas shit. I then went outside and chopped down a tree.”
“You chopped down a tree while I was sleeping?” I asked.
“Yeah. No big deal. I came back in and set it up.”
I stared at him. From the tree to the biker. From the biker to the tree.
This was no longer about him protecting me. This was so much more.
“Diesel… this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“Now that’s a lie,” he said. “You were bragging about your Christmases to me.”
“No. From a guy to me. You hate Christmas.”
“I don’t really hate it,” Diesel said. “I just don’t get it. But being near you and hearing you talk about it… what the hell, right? It’s almost Christmastime anyway. Maybe Santa Claus will bring you something nice.”
I faced Diesel. I touched his face. “Maybe I already have my big and nice Christmas present.”
“Big and nice, huh?” he said with a sly grin. “Careful with those words.”
“No. I don’t want to be careful anymore, Diesel. I want to be like you. An outlaw.”
Diesel put his hands to my waist. “Oh, is that right, darling? You think you can handle the outlaw life?”
“Why don’t I start by handling just the outlaw?”
A second later I jumped up and into his arms. He sat me on the back of the couch. Our noses touched, our lips flirted. Our eyes were already ten steps ahead. I could see what he wanted to do to me.
It was exactly what I wanted him to do.
Before his shirt hit the floor, my shirt was moving off my body. His big hands twisted my bra and opened it with ease. I was finally topless in front of him. I knew what his tongue had done to me between my legs and now I was about to find out what it could do to my breasts.
He wasted no time kissing down my chest.
His left hand cupped my breast, squeezing tight, his thumb racing back and forth across my nipple. Each time he made that move it sent a jolt down between my legs.
Diesel’s mouth eased over my other breast, sucking at me. He engulfed my breast, his tongue swirling around my nipple. As he closed his teeth against my nipple, gently pulling and twisting, I felt a tingling that was borderline pain. But it never got that far. He knew right how to bring me to the edge and stop.
His mouth popped off my breast and he reversed his kissing all the way up my neck and to my mouth. The kiss was electric and I knew there was no stopping us.
Diesel paused the kiss to whisper one thing to me.
“I’ve fucking wanted you from the second I saw you. And nothing is going to stop me now from having you. Not just right now either, darling.”
I had no response. I put my head back and let him kiss down my neck again.
His lips and tongue traveled between my breasts and down to my belly. He stripped me of my pants and panties (just like he did before). I was fully nude in front of Diesel now. My entire body tingled and tightened with a cold shiver. My nipples were painfully hard and between my legs I was ready.
I looked down just in time to see Diesel have a taste of my sex again.
One flicker of his tongue and my hips bucked at him.
I groaned. “D, please. I want you.”
“You have me.”
“I meant…”
“Say it,” Diesel said.
The tip of his tongue flirted with my clit.
“Oh, fuck,” I said. “I want you…”
“Not me,” Diesel said. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
I couldn’t hold back. Diesel swirled his tongue against my clit again. I felt like my body was going to explode.
I gripped the sheets and looked him dead in the eyes.
“I want your fucking cock,” I said.
“That’s what I’ve been waiting to hear,” Diesel said.
He slowly stood up, grabbing for his jeans.
As he dropped his jeans, I saw the thick root of his cock appear. When he finally popped free, he was so thick and so hard. One of his big hands grabbed at his big shaft, stroking himself, eyeing up my slit.
He moved to the bed and bent his knees, going right for me.
“I’ll take care of you, darling,” he said. “I promise.”
“Diesel. I trust you.”
I watched as he lined the full head of his cock to my body. Pressing forward, I felt him starting to open me. My insides quivered as he took to me a place I had never been before. I sucked in a breath as the intense pressure took hold of me.
Diesel placed his hands to my hips and held me steady. “Easy, darling. Just keep breathing.”
He gritted his teeth as he thrust, moving deeper into me. He pulled back and thrust again. I crunched forward, accepting him, watching as he gently fucked me, working my body to handle all he had to offer.
He was all man and he knew how to act like a man.
Diesel then slipped one hand to my lower back. He lifted and pushed, forcing me back on the bed more. He climbed up on the bed, his entire muscular body hovering over my body, still deep inside me.
“Goddamn,” he growled. “You’re fucking perfect, darling.”
He thrust forward even harder then, taking care of the rest of himself… and me.
I tried to gasp but lost my breath for a few seconds. The pressure was crazy. But it only lasted a few seconds. As soon as he started to pull back, I felt a wild pleasure soar through my body.
I released my grip on the sheets and my hands grabbed for his chest. I traced lines of his muscle as he fucked, powering his beautiful cock in and out of me. He went to the hilt and pulled all the way back to the head. Nothing could be more full or thorough.
Each thrust pushed me closer and closer to climax and I knew the end result was inevitable. My hips rocked back and forth, wanting more. Craving more. I don’t think I had ever wanted it so bad in
my entire life.
I scratched my hands all the way up to his face. I pulled at the back of his neck, demanding a kiss from the outlaw.
He came down, meeting my lips.
That was when I felt the true electricity between us.
His cock moving in and out of me. Me just seconds away from coming. His muscles flexing with each hard thrust.
But the kiss.
That’s what did it.
That’s what made my heart make that final click to realize something.
I was really falling for him.
Suddenly, it felt like Diesel had heard my thought. He pulled away from the kiss. Then he pulled his entire body away from me.
“Be quiet, darling,” he growled.
He grabbed my hips and spun me around like I was a toy. I was on my belly, trying to catch my breath. His hands grabbed my waist and he pulled, bringing me to my knees. My ass in the air, all for his taking. I reached with my hands and grabbed at the headboard. I looked back and saw him behind me.
Then I felt him. The first hard thrust, sinking right back into me. Picking up where he left off.
I felt the explosion inside me. I lowered my head, my insides pulsing as I started to come. I thrust back at him and realized he had stopped moving. Instead, he was using my body to fuck him. Pulling and pushing, his grip at my waist, working me through my orgasm. It was an orgasm like I never had before. One I’d never forget.
“Fuck,” I groaned.
“That’s right, darling,” he said. “Feel my cock. This is what you do to it. You did this. Not me. You earned this. Because of your fucking beauty and your fucking body.”
I whimpered as the pleasure kept going. I felt like I was already coming again.
Diesel started to fuck me again, moving faster by the second. Soon the bedroom was echoing with the sounds of our bodies colliding. The hard slap of his strong legs to the back of my legs. My wetness spilling everywhere, leaving his body hitting mine with a wet sound.
I had never been handled like that before.
Handled by a real man and a real outlaw.
“Goddamn, darling, get ready,” Diesel warned.
I didn’t need the warning though. I could feel him getting harder. That final bit of fullness from his thick shaft as he was filled to brim and seeking his own release.
He thrust forward and his fierce grip held me in place as he started to come.